I Am In Love With My Office Colleague – Man Confesses

I got this job in 2019 and it turns out that now I am the only male senior staff except from the security guard. Way back in 2019 there were 2 other guys but they left in 2020 after our company transferred to a different location and since then, I have been the only male staff other than the security guard whose job is not in internal affairs.
She is actually my senior colleague and way older than myself but over the past year and some months now, we have been so friendly though we don’t discuss relationship together or talk anything boyfriend and girlfriend together but something seems to be odd in her look whenever I talk about a girl likewise myself I felt odd when she talks about a guy she flirted with.
In my office every other staff have a nickname for us both even my boss was the one who initiated the nickname because of how close we are and even though I nurse getting under her skirts, I do not have yet the muscle to tell her that and lately I am beginning to like her more as we share everything about ourselves.
I have been to her house and can go to her house at anytime and she was the one who persuaded me to return to the company after I didn’t want to return when it relocated and also convince my boss to retain me; sometimes she buys me food in the office likewise myself and always like to have me around her like working together and whenever she needs assistance over a job, she will want me to be the person to help.
I notice she and my other female (married) colleague who work in the same department with us had almost had squabble because of whom I should be assisting and since she’s the most senior colleague she won over that one.
She is very single and above her 40s but I don’t mind as age does not define my relationship and right now I am growing so fund of her in a way I can’t stop imagining and I need your advise on how to relate my feelings and make her confess hers to me.
All criticism and advise will be duly accepted
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